AntumID MySolarBridge

Do you have solar panels and a digital meter? Then you are lucky! Do you want an extra income per month? Do you want to decrease your electricity bills every month

Yield today up to € 350 extra per year with your current Game PC* or up to € 1000 extra per year?

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We make an advantage of your digital meter!

A digital meter has no advantages? From now on you can earn money back as before! Use your existing Game PC or buy a AntumID RIG (soon) and Earn 6 to 8 times more than the injection rate! Yield today up to € 1000 extra per year

AntumID Solar (Hardware) Bridge

A device that will ensure that all other electrical devices in the house have priority. Only when there is surplus will coins be mined using mining software on one or more computers. Do you want an extra income per month? Do you want to decrease your electricity bills every month? Everything is possible! Can only be used with a digital meter + P1 meter.


AntumID Solar (Software) Bridge

A single software program for Windows 10 that will ensure that all other electrical devices in the house have priority. Only when there is surplus will coins be mined with mining software. Do you want an extra income per month? Do you want to decrease your electricity bills every month? Everything is possible!

Can also be used without P1-Meter or without a digital meter when you have a solar edge installation, in combination with AntumID SolarEdge API Grabber.

P1 Meter for your Digital meter

The Wi-Fi P1 meter supports all smart meter brands and versions in the Netherlands and Belgium. With modern meters with SMR 5 or higher, the P1 meter even works without a power adapter!

Only transform solar energy into extra income!

Depending on the surplus solar energy and type of Game PC or Rig you have! We transform the electricity into digital coins that generate a daily income for you. Using one of the largest mining pools in Europe  

You have already a game PC look at the actual mining rates.

Check GPU mining rate 24h

Would you rather save?
Whether you deposit money monthly? everything is possible! You decide what to do with it.


AntumID Solar Bridge, a bridge between your surplus solar energy and your mining account at one of the largest mining pools in Europe.

Only mine with free Solar Power

The AntumID MySolarBridge will control the mining for all your mining devices, whether it is your Game PC or a RIG or additional devices. It arranges everything for you. You don't have to do anything yourself anymore.

You decide everything yourself, we ensure that you only use solar energy! We have no information about your assets, we have no information about your installation. Everything works autonomously and internally within your own local network.

Your digital coins

It's your solar energy, it's your coins, it's your money!

Daily income without worries

Mining without worrying about using up energy that costs a lot of money. From now on you can mine without it costing you money.


By mining at times of surplus, and all other devices are given priority, we can ensure that we convert the extra injection into a system that can yield 3 to 6 times more. Injection price ( average 0,04 € /KW) vs Free Solor Mining Power (NVIDIA GTX 1070 Ti 2,19 € / 24H) (April 2021). These calculations are purely theoretical, assuming that we get full solar injection every day. Price is subject to the market price and subject to the level of difficulty. This simulation gives a clear picture of what an optimal operation would be and a worst case price per KW.

Using 2,4 KW / 8 hours
(Max 300 W)
1 PC + NVIDIA GTX 1070 Ti
8 hour(s) day
Daily* 0,0963 € 0,730 €
Month* 2,929 € 22,20 €
Year* 35,15 € 266,45 €
3 Year(s)
3 Year(s)* 105,45 € 799,35 €

Total (365 KW = 100%) Left Injection (292 KW = 80 %)
1 PC + NVIDIA GTX 1070 Ti (73 KW = 20%)
8 hour(s) day
365 KW 292 KW 73 KW
Month* 11,68 € 22,20 €
Total Income Before 100% export
After 80% export
8 hour(s) day
Month 14,16 € 33,88 €
Year 169,92 € 406,56 €
3 years 509,76 € 1.219,68 €

Converting from to From Injection Price KW
To Price KW
8 hour(s) day
1 KW 0.04 € 0.3041 €
(Normal case)
factor against each other per KW*
Profit X 7,6
(Worst case)
Subtract environmental factors -40%
0.1824 €
Profit X 4,5

About Us

About the founder "Jan Muyldermans" years of developer in .NET applications and PHP applications. Design authentication services based on DigiByte Blockchain technology. We use proven technology for our products. Widely supported in the crypto community.

Jan Muyldermans

Founder Antum, AntumID, Ciram Consulting and AntumID Solar Bridge

AntumID Partner "DigiByte Blockchain"

Solar Bridge Dashboard is protected with AntumID/Digi-ID Authentication

AntumID Authenticator for "AntumID Multichain"

The "Authentication APP" created by AntumID. (DigiByte, Bitcoin, Litecoin, ..)